Welcome to Called to Write

We help writers make the work of writing actually happen.

Daily Writing, Made Easy

What is Called to Write?

Called to Write is a private community exclusively for writers who want a positive, supportive environment to follow their call to write and have the accountability needed to make it happen.

We help you take practical action on your writing, goals, craft, vision, and career. 

We aim to help you build and create a lasting writing career so you're not only doing what you were put here to do -- but also ultimately getting paid to do so.

What We Do Here

We Help You Fulfill Your Call to Write

Writing on your own, day after day, can feel all but impossible some days. But when you feel the call to write, writing is not optional — even if we need some support to help us make the work happen.

Let's face it — there are many obstacles to writing: resistance, blocks, doubts, fears, and plus just life can get in the way. We help you show up and do the work, so you can feel anchored in yourself by doing what you were put here to do.

We Help End Writer's Isolation

Coming together in a safe, positive environment helps us end our writer's isolation. Being with other writers focused on making the work happen and seeing our books, scripts, and other writing projects all the way through to done is incredibly motivating and empowering. 

We Welcome All Writers 

We welcome writers from all walks of writing: novelists, screenwriters, bloggers, essayists, memoirists, non-fiction and creative non-fiction authors, self-help authors, playwrights, and more. We work to help writers from all walks of life feel welcome, accepted, and safe here regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, and ability.

Our community of writers is a great resource for getting answers and support around all your writing challenges — as well as being a place to celebrate your accomplishments.

We Check In Weekly For Support, Connection, and Accountability

Each Sunday, we post a thread for our Weekly Writer's Check-In where we share a brief check-in about how writing and creating have been going for us and what's coming next. We might focus on the actions, focus, habits, rituals, approach, and/or feelings coming up for us. 

Writers use our weekly check-ins to both track our progress and to gain insight into what's working and what we want to change about how we're writing if needed. Checking in is a powerful and important part of being in community together, so we can feel seen, supported, and connected. 

We Offer a Critique-Free Zone

There are plenty of places to receive feedback and critiques. We deliberately keep Called to Write a critique-free zone so that writers have a safe space to focus on writing, along with having a place to come to deal with the challenges of difficult critiques — with the support of other writers who get it.

We Create a Powerful Community Space

We Inspire and Learn From Each Other Through Live Community Events

Our founder, Jenna Avery, leads our Writer's "Show Or Tell" gathering on Zoom each month, typically on the first (or second) Wednesday of the month, at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time. 

We designed our Writer’s “Show Or Tell” event to foster community and connection with a focus on sharing, learning, celebration, and inspiration. 

During these gatherings, we share updates about our writing, sources of learning and inspiration, and/or resources we want to recommend to each other. It's such a treat to engage with thoughtful writers who support each other so well.

2025 First Quarter Meeting Schedule

  • January Writer's "Show Or Tell" Gathering
    Wed, January 8, 2025 at 1:00 PM PDT
  • February Writer's "Show Or Tell" Gathering
    Wed, February 5, 2025 at 1:00 PM PDT
  • March Writer's "Show Or Tell" Gathering
    Wed, March 5, 2025 at 1:00 PM PDT

How We Write Together

We Write Together in Writing Sprints

A core element of Called to Write is our writing sprints

We currently offer DAILY coach-led writing sprints at 9 a.m. Pacific Time, where we gather with our members in our onsite sprint room, check in to set our goals and intentions for our writing sessions, write for an hour, and then come back at the end of the hour to celebrate what we accomplished.

Our writing sprints are incredibly motivating and inspiring. There's nothing quite like writing alongside other writers to help you stay focused on your writing for the day. Our writers rave about the difference participating in sprints makes for their writing and about the good energy we all experience when we join in the fun.

We Offer Add-On Writing Supports

We Offer Private 1:1 Coaching With Our Founder Jenna Avery

Our Founder, Jenna Avery, offers private 1:1 coaching for writers wanting help to write more consistently, working to get their books and screenplays finished, building their author websites and social platforms, and more.

Find out more about 1:1 coaching with Jenna here

We Offer Additional Programs & Support for Writers

In addition to our Called to Write Community membership program, we also offer other free and paid courses and programs for writers, including:

  • Clear the Decks for Writing — a free, on-demand course designed to help you make space in your life for writing. 
  • Create Your Own Writing Tracker — a free, on-demand course to walk you through options for creating fun ways to track your writing progress and help you stay motivated.
  • Make This Your Year to Write — a low-cost, on-demand course designed to help you put the focus on writing for the year ahead.
  • Five Days of Focus — periodic facilitated week-long writing retreat from the comfort of your own home. (Details and upcoming dates here, when they become available.)
  • And more coming soon! 

(Dates for programs are announced on Jenna's Called to Write site, inside the network to Called to Write members, and to Jenna's mailing list.)

If you're interested in taking one of these courses without becoming a member of our community, you can register for "network-only" access to our site and take the classes directly (though you're always welcome to become a member at any time in the future). Register for on-demand courses with one of the plans on the bottom of this page.  

Reach out to us at [email protected] if you need assistance registering. 

What Our Members Are Saying

Called to Write makes writing feel like a team effort.

"Writing is a lonely pursuit, but Called to Write makes it feel like a team effort. From the daily writing sprints and conversations to the weekly coaching calls, there is always something to push me forward when my own motivation is flagging. 

"Like many writers, I am plagued by self-doubt, but Jenna and the Called to Write community are there whenever those fears start to get in the way of my work. This year I finished two novels I had been working on – one of them on and off for seven years! – and I never would have done that without the structure and support of Jenna and the Called to Write community."

— Eleanor Brown
NYT bestselling author

“I would have never in eternity guessed at the beginning of a pandemic that I would have the first outline of my new animated feature script done before the end of the year…“

“During my 5 years in the Called to Write community I have co-written a screenplay and the movie came out in the beginning of 2020. I have written the first draft of a novel. I have happily dabbled in micro-fiction, short stories, joined and completed classes on writing craft, and more. 

“But what's most important: I have found a group of like-minded friends, who support me in my writing journey come rain or shine, who I can rely on to help pick me up when I have a dry spell and cheer for me when things go well, and it does not feel phony or pretentious anymore to call myself a writer.

“This past year I have relied on the Called to Write community more than ever before. It has been tougher than normal to understand myself, let alone what is going on around us, and Called to Write is the one thing that has kept me grounded with daily sprints, monthly goal settings, invaluable weekly Zoom chats and many other things in helping me to finally build and stick to a steady writing habit. This has allowed me to discover new genres, write several short pieces and keep steadily developing two huge projects that I have wanted to do for years. And even right now, when I have hit a bit of a dead-end with writing due to a lot of work stress, I can take time off calmly, knowing I will return to my writing and not in two years time, but as planned, next week.

“Recommending Called to Write to a friend is like recommending a good detox facility to an addict, one has to be ready and willing to embark on this special journey. If you're inclined and you'll let it, Called to Write can change your life. 

“I would have never in eternity guessed at the beginning of a pandemic that I would have the first outline of my new animated feature script done before the end of the year, or would be on my way to putting together pitch documents for a TV-show while directing a demanding project at the same time, but guess what: I am.”

— Aina Jarvine
Director, screenwriter

“…the consistency of the group motivates me to produce every day…”

“I don’t think I really had the confidence to call myself a writer before I found Called to Write. And it’s not because I didn’t have confidence in my writing, I did, but I think I didn’t have the confidence in my process or rather I didn’t have a consistent process at all. This lack of confidence in my consistency had held me hostage to ‘writing as a hobby,’ because I could never satisfactorily complete a piece of work. 

“When I found Called to Write, I have to admit I was hesitant, I didn’t want to pay money upfront to get involved in a group in which I might still feel isolated and without support; I have been down that road before. Called to Write, however, has turned out to be my safe space, my peaceful place, where I have been able to truly and honestly discover my writing process. This alone, has eased so much of my anxiety about identifying as a ‘serious’ writer. 

“Knowing that I am surrounded and supported by a strong, knowledgeable, experienced group of people who feel like work colleagues that can become friends, has given me a security that I think was needed, especially in these trying times. 

“I appreciate that everyone is able to go at their own pace, and while this may seem to be counterproductive to quantity, the consistency of the group motivates me to produce every day and have an increasingly better/easier/quicker connection to my work. 

“I am excited and I’m looking forward to using this new and trusted foundation that I now have, to build the career in writing that I’ve always wanted, surrounded by people who are on the same path and with whom I feel like I can share and celebrate our growth and accomplishments.”

— Anika Massell
Genre fiction writer

"...helped me regain momentum on a long-term novel project and maintain my identity as a writer."

"I’ve been with the Called to Write community for many years, but over the last year it has provided special value. The structure Jenna has created has allowed me to keep going with my writing through all sorts of obstacles. 

"In 2020 and 2021, it helped me regain momentum on a long-term novel project and maintain my identity as a writer despite so much of my energy being redirected into homeschooling my kids and other difficulties arising from the pandemic. The writing sprints provide a wonderful sense of community and support and the coaching calls provide the opportunity to delve deeper into specific challenges while learning from the conversations Jenna has with others."

— Rebecca Brams
Novelist, grant writer

“As the year comes to an end I am well into my screenplay which has given me back a huge creative and psychological boost.”

“It has been an incredibly hard time for many to be creative in the face of the pandemic. I found myself two-thirds into the year without having produced much in content. As a film and TV writer I had been spinning my wheels in pitching and development hell. I have had a passion project that I’ve wanted to write for years so I needed discipline to sit down and do it. Pressure of the professional grind were non-existent as production and buying was basically shut down. I found myself drifting between errands, worry, social media, fear, and general life bullshit. I needed a place to go where I would be accountable for the daily work I wanted to achieve. 

“I reached out to Jenna and had a hour-long coaching session with her to discuss how I might get out of this rut. As a professional writer I felt slightly embarrassed and ashamed that I could not find the discipline myself. But these were strange times and we’re all riding an impossible emotional rollercoaster. 

“Jenna has created a nurturing community and a space and timetable where you can sit down virtually at your desk with other diverse writers working at the exact same time. Using these writing sprints was new for me and refreshed my whole approach. 

“I now wake at 6:30 a.m. and am at my desk by 7 a.m. to join a sprint. 

“My thoughts are fresh and vibrant and I find myself working with less self-judgment. I then go to get coffee at 8 a.m. and sit down again for another sprint at 9 a.m. I often stay at my desk for the rest of the day. I use the 3 p.m. sprint to dip into another project or dive into more research. It is this early work and commitment that is often the best. 

“Even though we don’t share creative content or ideas I love that I am virtually held accountable and have a container to do my daily work. As the year comes to an end I am well into my screenplay which has given me back a huge creative and psychological boost.”



— Christian Taylor
Film & TV Writer

“The regular writing sprint times help to structure my day, and the camaraderie with other writers is motivating…”

"Called to Write has been a great help in getting me back into my writing. The regular writing sprint times help to structure my day, and the camaraderie with other writers is motivating and helps to keep me accountable. Jenna runs optional discussion and coaching groups that are positive, supportive, focused, and relaxed. I'm so glad I joined."

— Hilary
Self-Help Author

“Had I not joined Called to Write I would have spent another year afraid to step back into my writing.”

“After an unpleasant experience with a different writing group, I grew blocked and anxious about my writing. Knowing I had to do something proactive to step back into my work, I found Called to Write. This community is supportive, informative, and nonjudgmental. There is no critiquing, just honest sharing about and listening to each other’s processes. It has provided me with a peace allowing me to enter my writing life again.  

“Called to Write holds various writing sprints a day and these have been invaluable to me. It is a short amount of time, but knowing others are writing alongside is an empowering and collective experience. I feel accountable to my own work and not such a ‘lonely writer.’ The plus side is on each side of these sprints are encouraging and supportive words from other writers, which helps keep me positive and on track.”

“Called to Write is supportive, inspiring, and community-focused. Weekly meetings discussing each month’s themes and various personal writing issues are always met with encouragement and understanding. Hearing other writers speaking about their work is enlightening. 

“Had I not joined Called to Write I would have spent another year afraid to step back into my writing. Because I did become part of this welcoming community, my confidence has returned, and I have been able to work on a new novel.”

— Jenni Norum 
Novelist, short fiction, nonfiction

"I have managed to nearly complete a teaching manual that has taken me years to write."

"The past year has been chaotic in our world. The pandemic has curtailed normal routines and demanded extreme flexibility. The presidential election process was challenging due to divisiveness, and many are still filled with fear from the combined pandemic and election situation. The economy is suffering, with many out of work. All of this is wearing on my energy and outlook.

"Despite this upheaval, I have managed to nearly complete a teaching manual that has taken me years to write. How? By belonging to the Called to Write community. The Called to Write community is a supportive group focused on writing progress via a comfortable structure that produces results. This structure works better than any other method I have tried. The virtual community joins in writing sprints and offers support as the writing progresses. Methods of tracking writing progress, Zoom webinars, group discussions about excellent books about writing, and insight into perfectionism and resistance happen regularly. The community is very supportive as it counters the isolation that can accompany writing.

"The words I chose to describe Called to Write are community, commitment, and creativity. Called to Write is a gift that has helped make the chaos bearable and my writing fruitful.

"For someone interested in progressing in their writing and in their life, and having fun while doing so, I highly recommend Called to Write."

— Kathy Sievers
Iconographer, Author of teaching manual, 
The Icon Journey

Join Called to Write

How Membership Works

Our Called to Write Community Membership is designed as a monthly subscription. When you click the "subscribe" button, you'll be immediately walked through setting up your username, password, profile, and subscription, and you'll have immediate access to our community, writing sprints, community events, discussions, and more!

The rate for the program is $59.99 per month, renewed automatically on the same calendar date each month after you register. You may cancel at any time, and our system will automatically end your subscription at the end of your billing cycle. 


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Join us! 

We'd love to write with you.